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Feline Wellness Information

The following is recommended at Country View to help keep your cat happy and healthy!

Complete physical examinations:

As part of our doctor veterinary visits, a registered veterinarian will perform a nose to tail thorough examination on your cat. This examination is vital in helping to diagnose any problems or underlying illnesses. This exam may change our course of action or postpone treatments, if warranted. We recommend that all cats have a complete physical examination at least once per year.

Intestinal parasite exams:

This test is performed using a fresh stool sample which is tested for the presence of parasite eggs via fecal centrifugation and microscopic examination, and/or parasite antigen testing. Treatment of any noted parasites will be implemented to protect you and your pet, as some intestinal parasites are zoonotic (transmissible to people). We recommend that all kittens have at least 2 fecal samples examined for internal parasites and at least annual examinations performed for adult cats.

Heartworm and viral testing:

This test requires a blood sample and is performed in our office or by our outside lab. This test helps to rule out heartworm disease (may require additional testing), Feline Leukemia Virus, and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (Feline AIDS). These two viruses in cats are very contagious and suppress your cat's immune system making your pet very ill. Infected cats can appear normal. 


Core vaccines - These vaccines are recognized in the veterinary community as essential to the health of ALL feline patients. 

  • Feline RCP (HCP): The Rhinotracheitis (Herpes) virus causes an upper respiratory infection that can be carried for life. It is very contagious in cats and symptoms can reappear at any time, especially during times of stress. Calicivirus is a major cause of upper respiratory infection in cats and is highly contagious. Panleukopenia, or feline distemper, is usually fatal in cats. Almost all cats will be exposed at some point, making vaccination essential. 

  • Rabies: This is an incurable viral disease that affects the central nervous system and is transmitted via infected saliva through bites or any break in the skin. This is a required vaccine and only recognized legally if given by a licensed veterinarian. 

Lifestyle vaccines - We recognize that our patients have different lifestyles and degree of exposure to varying diseases. As such, the following vaccines may be recommended dependent on your cat's lifestyle.

  • Feline Leukemia (FeLV): Infection with this virus can result in many health problems for your cat, including conditions such as: lymphoma, anemia, ill-thrift, and/or a wide range of secondary infections caused by the destruction of the immune response. Cats may appear normal and be infected with this virus. This vaccine is recommended for all of our patients with access to the outdoors. It is also recommended for cats that live in homes where there is access to outdoor cats through screen doors or other cats that may travel inside and out. Owners who rescue stray cats and/or work in shelters should also discuss risks with our staff. Testing will be performed prior to vaccination to determine viral status. Repeat testing may be needed. 

*Please note that, while extremely rare, Feline Leukemia and Rabies vaccines can be associated with vaccine site sarcomas, a form of cancer. 

Parasite prevention:

We recommend preventatives year round. Parasite preventatives are easy to use, economical in stopping the development and spread of harmful disease, and are prescribed to protect your family -- two legged and four.

  • Flea and tick prevention (some forms also protect against heartworms)

    • Common products that we recommend (there are many others, call to ask us for further information as many of the products you can find at general stores do not provide adequate coverage):​

      • Revolution Plus

      • Bravecto

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6574 W State Route 73

Wilmington, OH 45177


For general information, questions, appointment requests, call us at:

Tel:  (937) 382-7387



Monday                      8:00am - 6:00pm

Tuesday                      8:00am - 6:00pm

Wednesday                8:00am - 6:00pm

Thursday                    8:00am - 6:00pm

Friday                          8:00am - 6:00pm

Saturday/Sunday     Closed


We accept walk-in veterinary visits Mon-Fri from 9:00AM-1:00PM.

*We ask that walk-in clients call ahead if possible and typically require that they be checked-in by noon

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